Thursday, February 11, 2010


I'm in the middle of watching the 2nd episode of this final season. What started as a gripping narrative has turned into a disgustingly underthought show. It is a pied play of lines people would never say, actions they would never take, and results that would never happen. The ignorance of the characters astounds. The island has turned into a time-traveling, alternate-reality, egyptian god-infested playground for piss poor writing. The staff should be ashamed. It is pitiful. Just like the Matrix movies, this proves that any unworthy mystery turns to shit when revealed. The writers admitted they didn't know where the show was headed after the 1st season, and now it looks like it. For anyone who hasn't seen the show yet, watch the first season and ignore the rest. The fact that I'm still watching it only serves to fuel my self-loathing so necessary for rhyme writing. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck this show.

I'm normally not this upset.
I give it a 6.


  1. example:

    Others want to keep the main players hostage.

    Sawyer (main player) escapes.

    Others allow two main players to leave in search.

  2. example:

    Jack = furious over torture of Sayid.

    Stereotypical Asian = wasn't it all your fault Jack?

    Jack = sadface, does whatever man tells him

  3. example:

    The Always Sunny In Philadelphia guy is on the show now.

  4. example:

    The new Others wardrobe = identical to Kevin Sorbo's Hercules

  5. nicely put, seeing that 2 of your 5 followers are avid LOST fans. ;) your raging opinions will never sway the strong!!! I give you a 6 sir!

  6. also the guy from 'always sunny' was on the show in season 3. he got killed. see, you don't even watch the show. and libby's coming back this season. At least wait till its over to form insane opinions about what they never answer. sheesh
